317 2105 W 46 Ave. Vancouver
317 2105 W 46 Ave. Vancouver |
317 2105 W 46 Ave. Vancouver |
317 2105 W 46 Ave. Vancouver |
317 2105 W 46 Ave. Vancouver |
317 2105 W 46 Ave. Vancouver |
317 2105 W 46 Ave. Vancouver |
317 2105 W 46 Ave. Vancouver |
317 2105 W 46 Ave. Vancouver |
317 2105 W 46 Ave. Vancouver |
Listed At
Concrete Condo
2 Bedroom / 2 Bath
Floor Size: 1,223 SQFT
Maint Fee: $745
Built: 2024
2 EV Parking / 2 Storage
inspired by some of the finest examples of contemporary traditionalism in London, Gryphon House brings a modern sense of timeless grandeur to Kerrisdale. These are homes alive with creativity, imbued with meaning, and built for stately in-town living. Just across West Boulevard from Gryphon House, one of the lengthiest linear parks in the world becomes a corridor of art installations, cafés and kiosks, community spaces, and breathtaking landscape design. The transformation of a public promenade reminiscent of those found in the world’s most sophisticated urban centers – at your doorstep. From elite private schools to the city’s leading public schools, near to one of the world’s best universities; this is a place where lives are shaped, and futures are built.
乘著Gryphon的羽翼,蜚聲國際的精緻生活理念,降臨於Kerrisdale。在世界各大頂級都市 ,公寓住宅儼然成為一種高雅的藝術形式。如今,溫哥華亦躋身此陣營,帶來集現代創新與永恒典雅於一體的世界級住宅。在這個富麗堂皇、安靜又顯赫的溫西社區,在這個位於林蔭大道之端又與城市緊密相連的地方,一種富於人文薈萃的都市生活蔚然成風,並欣欣向榮地朝著鼎盛之態發展。打造生活美學生活,是由各種細節所組成。我們難得有機會,能選擇這些組成生活的微小細節。在Gryphon House的優雅生活,由各類服務、休閒及設施所組成, 透過這些簡單、健康且充滿喜悅的微小細節,您將能充分享受 生活中的每一個片刻。